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East London Beachfront


Contract Value: Consultancy Appointment

Client:Buffalo City Development Agency






Ikemeleng Architects worked in association with an East London-based Town Planning practice on a Spatial Development Framework and Urban Design Precinct Plan for the East London Beachfront. The project involved the development of a strategic plan for the regeneration of the East London inner city using the redevelopment of the Beachfront and Harbourfront as a catalyst.


Proposals were developed for the east bank of the Buffalo River and Signal Hill precinct that overlooks the harbour, utilising the substantial opportunities offered by the proposed relocation of port facilities to the west bank of the Buffalo River.

Gautrain UDF


Contract Value: R 1 112 195

Client: Johannesburg Development Agency


Ikemeleng Architects worked as part of a consortium on a combined Urban Design and Heritage Management Framework for the Park Station Precinct in Johannesburg CBD, the largest intermodal transport interchange in Sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of the project was to lay a foundation for urban regeneration and the maximization of development opportunities building upon the development of the new Gautrain station as a catalyst.


A combined approach to urban design and heritage management was adopted, with the substantial heritage significance of the area seen as an opportunity rather than a constraint. The urban design sought to integrate principles of Transit-Oriented Development. Key issues addressed included intermodal interchange integration, land use, bulk and density, built form and building street edge interfaces as well as public environment character and integration.





Pageview & Vrededorp


Contract value: Consultancy Appointment

Client: City of Johannesburg Development Planning & Facilitation


Ikemeleng Architects worked with an associated architectural practice on an Urban Development Framework aimed at providing a template for future development of Pageview and Vrededorp, two inner city Johannesburg suburbs that have in the past been subject to forced removals of black residents and neglect by successive local governments. Our scope of work included the preparation of a land use management strategy, urban design guidelines and the identification of catalytic projects aimed at kick starting regeneration of the area.


Much of the property in the area is subject to a Land Restitution process and the project has been designed to support this process. The framework necessitated a comprehensive public participation process, including two public workshops, a needs assessment survey as well as the formation of a community development forum.





Planning & Facilitation


Contract Value: R 637 761

Client: Johannesburg Development Agency/ City of Johannesburg Department of Development Planning and Facilitation






A high quality public transport system is capable of supporting far greater densities of development than a private motor vehicle based movement system. Appointed by Johannesburg Development Agency and working closely with City of Johannesburg Department of Development Planning and Facilitation, Ikemeleng Architects worked with an associated architectural practice on this project focusing on land use, bulk, density and urban design guidelines for the properties adjoining the Phase 1 Bus Rapid Transit corridors.


Guidelines focussed particularly on Transit-Oriented Development principles, vertical mixing of land uses and street edge conditions to activate streets and public spaces.



Contract Value: Consultancy Appointment

Client: City Of Johannesburg Development Planning & Facilitation






Ikemeleng Architects worked with an associated architectural practice on this project aimed at providing a template for future development of this strategically located corridor in the west of Johannesburg. The project involved a comprehensive public participation process.


Proposals were put forward by this framework focusing on reconnection of the city movement grid, development of Economic Nodes, densification along proposed Bus Rapid Transit Corridors, upgrade of sections of the public environment, development of a Public Open Space Network and safety and security.

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